Cozy Clicks with Emily Supiot is a well-known photography-hub based in Arizona. It is a place not only for those local to Emily to get amazing photos taken, but also for new photographers to learn how to start a business. Emily has been a photography educator for over ten years, is one of the most positive people I have ever met, and is one of my very first mentors from when I was getting started learning to take and edit portraits. Her program has shifted during the seven plus years I have known her, and I was so honored when she invited me to be a guest on her podcast to help teach her students a little bit about being a professional photographer.
The Stay Focused Podcast is for new and intermediate portrait photographers who want to grow their skills in taking, editing, and being creative with photos plus ideas and help on starting a photography business. It’s been around since 2019 and comes out weekly with almost 200 episodes! I’ve been listening since the beginning and jumped at the chance to talk with Emily about my own career as a photographer. On episode #188 we discussed how I got started, what mistakes I have made along the way, and advice I have on how to find clients.
You can listen to it on your favorite podcast platform AND you can watch it on YouTube. Click here or watch below to see how long my hair had gotten (haha!) and find out what I had to say.
I also was interviewed on an Instagram Live with Emily and Cozy Clicks back in February 2023 before this episode where we talked more about some technical photography things like how to take better pictures of babies, toddlers, and maternity clients. Check that out here on Instagram.
What do you think? What did you learn? Drop a comment if you’d like and definitely visit my website for more information on the full-service photo experiences I offer in the Greater Houston area.