This is your baby, your tiny new human who you likely just brought home from the hospital not too many sleepless nights ago. It’s hard to think about trusting a stranger to hold this perfect little being you created. The first thing you should consider when choosing a newborn photographer is if they are safety-trained for taking babies photos. This is a thing – there are many classes offered to photographers to learn proper holding, wrapping, and posing techniques to keep babies safe. Be sure to ask yours if they have taken a newborn safety class. Read on to learn more or go to my homepage to check out the always safe, full-service photo experience you could enjoy in your own home.

Full disclosure, there are no official certifications, no governing body to qualify a person to be a newborn photographer – anyone can do it, or at least try. Since newborn photographers generally work with babies who are only a few weeks old, when babies bodies are so fragile and flexible, it is so important to be knowledgeable about what those little bodies are and are not capable of doing, and what types of poses need extra support (like mom or dads hands) to assure the baby’s safety while posing. And lots of times some of parents favorite poses would be dangerous to do outright, so they are actually a composite – several different photos merged during editing like in Photoshop. So much of the magic actually happens in post processing the images.

Rest assured, I am newborn safety trained and do an update every couple of years to be sure I am at the top of my game on what should and shouldn’t be done with your precious newborn during a photo session. It is so easy to put a strain on a tiny baby’s neck, back, or even airways in a damaging way. There are poses I refuse to do (even when moms really like them) for safety reasons and never force a baby into a pose that they are resisting. We know that the AAP recommends babies on their backs at all times, so I take extra care for a pose where they baby is more on their tummy. The health and safety of your new bundle of joy (and your family) is high on my list of details to focus on during their newborn photo session.

Contact me today to find out more about my safety procedures when I travel to your home for a newborn photoshoot in Houston, Texas. I am here to serve families, especially moms with new babies at home.